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90’s misc fabric bundle

90’s misc fabric bundle

Remember those white to go cups with the blue and purple design across the front? The quintassential 90’s print? Thats what i imagine the vibe of this bundle to be. This baby includes two purple and blue valances (valances are the shorter piece of fabric that lines the top of the window), two pillowcases that are a matching pastel print but different styles, and a single pastel printed curtain. There’s a lot of fabric here if you take it all apart and endless possibilities to fulfill your 90’s teen daydream crafts. If taken apart, there’s around 7 yards of workable fabric.

Pillowcases measure: 31”x21”, 30”x19.5”

Single Curtain: 31”x85”

Valances: 84”x15”

Regular price $40.00
Regular price Sale price $40.00
Sale Sold out
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